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i really like this visual novel!
the way that the art looks really goes well with the theme of the story, and the art in general looks amazing.
i cant wait for the next update!

Thank you very much! I really appreciate the compliment about the art, since I know it's not the usual artstyle for VNs of this style. I'm glad to see people enjoy it~


Ahhhh its finally here tysm


Happy New Year for you too! ^^


Love this visual novel, I'm glad a friend recommended it, I hope an update will come soon, keep it up! 

(1 edit) (+6)

I've had this VN on my list for quite some time but never had the time to sit down and read it. I finally managed to read it tho, and oh boi i should've done this sooner. 

It was a pleasent suprise, it was so much more than i expected, every character has such distinct and interesting personality, even the stereotype characters such as Mike being the athletic flirty guy comes off as unique and not bland, not being the victim of his own character archetype. They have multiple layers to them like onions :D

The entire Vn is just adorable, warm and inviting.

When it comes to character building you guys set the bar high.

I have high expectations for this project, keep up the good work. 

ps: the art stlye is cute af


Thank you very much for taking your time playing it and sending us your thoughts! It's really, really appreciated. We're really glad to hear people taking these characters seriously, since we're working hard on them, trying to make them feel as genuine as possible, so this... This is high praise for us, thanks a lot, really!

We'll make a small devlog in a day or two to let people know how things are going and to appreciate these comments, they're really moving us forward~


it is so cute and cool made i like it thanks


Great VN! Sadly, last update on it was in September. If you guys have a discord, I would love to join!

Thank you very much! Yeah, progress is very slow, since we're a very small team, but it's sure to come, still working on it! 

We don't have a Discord, sadly, but feel free to message us on Twitter if you have any question, recommendation or, well, anything at all! ^^

(1 edit) (+3)

hey I was wondering, what is the date that this game will get updates at per month? (I assumed it's monthly, right?)  


Well, as much as we'd love to have monthly updates, we realize that's not a realistic thing for us, being a small team and all that. That being said, we'll try to give small devlog updates each month so people know what's going on, at the very least!


Ah, thank you for the response, and I hope you can you make some more updates for this great game.  


I got this recommended by a friend and honestly, i loved it more than i thought i would. The game feels charming and the cast of characters all seem interesting and have their own distinct personality which makes them a joy to read about. (The dynamic gus and rob have together is so cute jhdbfkgbm, well actually between all of them but those two specifically)

I'm excited to see where this story will lead ^^, thank you for making this adorable vn and best of luck in further development!


Thank you very much for your kind words! We're really glad to hear it caused a good impression in you. We'll keep working on it, little by little but for sure!

(2 edits) (+2)

You know, I already had this opinion before this new day came out. But now I'm just even more convinced. I have to be totally honest here..

Gus is best boi. Fite me.

I love how Gus just knows how to tease the living hell out of Rob, but at the same time he can be forward with his feelings, all while respecting boundaries and actually communicating how he feels about the whole thing!

Like, there's a lot of people that could learn from this xD

I look forward to seeing more Gus cuddles, but also more teasing :D

P.S.: I can REALLY relate to Rob's reluctance about going further with people. I love how this VN takes its time with people, but it doesn't feel like the pacing is slow at all.


We're really glad to hear that you're enjoying the experience (and Gus), but overall, those last words. We're trying to make it feel like things are flowing at a natural pace, like they normally would, so hearing that is very, very nice <3 Thank you very much!


I must agree. Gus is best boi.


love the new day. I ended up mostly doing stuff with Gus because...Gus is just super cool. I did not expect him to be so forward, though. Either way though, I liked it! Rob looks pretty snazzy in his new outfit, and I learned a lot about Ed near the end. Loving the twists and turns, and Rob's musical ability. So glad I found this game!


Super glad to hear that! Genuinely happy to see you're enjoying the game so far ^^ We hope the next ones don't disappoint either!


I’m excited for this update! Thanks for keeping us up to date!🐊


Thank you for checking on us! We hope you'll enjoy it c:


Ooh. This has been really fun to play so far. The art style really drew me in, it's super cute! The characters are also really neat, and are very expressive, which I really enjoy! Good job!


Very glad to hear about this! Thank you very much. After several months of working , we're a few steps away from uploading the next Day, so stay tuned~!


Spoiler/slight criticism. Kept to a minimum.

Loving the game so far definitely gonna follow it through the end. It's a bit all over the place at times at first I thought it was gonna be a super serious game with what Mike talks about but the sudden super power(?) Involvement through me off. Interested to see where it goes hoping it winds up within my top five(big name vns here). 


Thank you so much! Glad to hear you're enjoying it ^^

To be fair, the power stuff was planned from the beginning, and it's not important for this story, it's only important to know that they exist, but I figured it wouldn't sit right with some people. 

It's still good to hear so I have a better idea on how to aim the subject in the future. Thanks for taking your time with this, and we hope it'll be worth it~


I Really love your game and characters design I promise i will follow your game until it's end :D


Thank you very much! We know it's going to be a long journey, but we appreciate the support a lot~


cannot wait to see how this vn progress's 


We're glad to hear you're enjoying it~


Very amazing game right here, from start to the end of the current version ive been hooked and will now be eagerly awaiting for the next update, and also thank you so much, you literally helped me with my confidence problem right now. Thanks to you, I do my best with a project i have been delaying since last year, good luck to your team and keep up the good work okie ^_^

Thank you so much to you for playing up until now! It means the world to us. And we're really glad to hear we've helped someone somehow, it's important to do what you like doing after all c: Definitely let us know how that goes with time, ok?


So far I'm absolutely loving this VN's art style and story telling, but I have a few questions I would like to ask before I get too deep into it?

We're glad to hear that! And sure thing, you can ask us here or in our twitter DMs if you prefer. That being said, depending on the question, we might not be able to answer yet, keep that in mind.

That's okay, I'm fine with waiting a bit for answers, here are my questions:

Will there be an endgame of dating/romancing one of the characters?

And when you say adult content, do you mean there will be explicit/sexual art or animations?


Yes, one of our objectives was to make a game that could have an ending where you end up being with someone romantically or figuring things out together... Or not. Either way, in both cases, it'd be a positive ending.

And yes, even if I prefer to focus on the subtle things, there is and will be explicit art when it happens.


Thank you so much for your speedy response, I plan on diving head first into this VN and if all goes well I will recommend it to my friends, have a wonderful week!

Actually i'm coward to download. Why? Because i don't want my heart to rip off again. Almost i glued back it's half, but really, i'm too sensitive.


Well, don't feel forced if this is not your thing or if you don't feel like it's something you'd play right now, it's absolutely fine!

That being said, if you want to try it, this VN's aiming to be a light hearted, positive experience, and, even if there'll be drama happening here and there, it'll always be treated with respect and aiming for the best.  If this sounds like your thing... You're more than welcome~

(1 edit) (+2)

Yap, it totally suits my taste, i just downloaded. Actually this is my 14th visual novel what i read and of course 15th times broke my heart to pieces. xd But i'm still on the train in your masterpiece, but i enjoy. :D I hope there are spicy nsfw contents too. ;) xd


I seriously fell in love with this game. The characters are so expressive, both in their sprites and in their dialogue. The writing is seriously good too and invoked a lot of feelings. It was a joy reading this from beginning to end!

I'm very much looking forward to following this project. Thank you for this great experience :)


Thank you very much! We're very happy to hear you enjoyed it. More will come in due time, and thank -you- for playing it~!


Hmm, it coul be one of two things, I think. The PC version should be supported both for Windows and Linux, so, either you're using a different one, or maybe the extraction of the files is causing the problem?

is the a way to fix it 

the download is not working for me something about the the hex flies

Oh, which version are you trying to download? Pc, Mac or Android?


I played through everything else and Day 3 and I really enjoyed the new stuff! I liked the new expressions and content! I’m playing through Faust’s route at the moment, and I love it😩 Although I have one I know that Robert and Faust have their “powers” and they explained how they work to each other when (ahem), but does everyone else have them? I haven’t played through anyone else’s route yet so I dunno much about them. Also I’m liking how things are slowly getting uncovered about the characters’ past...thanks and keep up the great work!😁

We're really glad that you're still enjoying the story! Thanks for letting us know, it really helps a lot~

Yes, at this point we can confirm people have 'powers' in this universe, and that includes our present cast. That being said, they won't have a huge impact on this story, but it was needed to explain that point for... future moments.

Again, thanks a lot, and we'll continue working very soon!


All I want to say is

We want a scene gus fok robert.


I dunno bout that one chief

All I can say is that, if it has to happen, it'll happen, but there's no hurry for it~


the main character is so cute wtf?

also i love faust.


ikrrrr I wanted to date the MC so bad


I'm in love with this VN tbh
Keep the good work and relax!

Thank you very much! And absolutely. That's the spirit, slowly but surely. The third update is very close now ^^

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The reason why it's +18 is because it -will- have NSFW content in the future, even if we've prepared an option to skip those scenes if you're not interested in them. Besides, some of the subjects that will be brought up in the future might be uncomfortable for some people, even if they'll be treated with respect.

As for the corrections, thanks for letting us know, we're already working on fixing them, but they can escape us sometimes.

We hope you enjoy the game!

Deleted post

That's understandable. If I'm honest, i didn't even know you could send screenshots here lol

We don't have a Discord because, quite frankly, I wouldn't be able to keep control on it. But we do have a Twitter account you can message for these things:

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Deleted post

im still waiting for update 

It's still coming! Taking a bit longer than intented at first because of life being difficult, but we're working on the next update daily!


it ok no rush i just wanna know  take your time =^w^=


This game is so dawn good, when the next update is comming out???


Thank you very much! We're really glad you like it~

Ideally, next update should be ready by the end of November/beginning of December. We'll post a Devlog soon explaining how are things going!


Imma give this one a try!


I find it funny how all their tails are raised :P


Finally. The secret is out. I can finally mention that detail now that someone finally said it~



Holy cow I love this visual novel a lot!! I just finished Mike's route and now I can't wait to play Gus' route!

Amazing job! Keep it up!

Thank you very much! We're really glad to hear that~ We hope you enjoy it just as much!


Everyone is so nice that I dont know which route to pick first!




Great game! Can't wait to see more updates <3


Thank you very much! They'll come soon but for sure, hope you keep enjoying them!


OMG I am in love with this! I love how each character has the perfect expressions to match their far I've only done Faust's route and it's great. I love how there are certain dynamics between the characters as smaller groups rather than having everyone acting strangely similar. Not gonna say specifics 'cause I might ramble lmao...Keep up the great work!


Thank you very much! We're very glad you enjoyed their dynamic, it's one of the aspects we want to focus the most. Hope you enjoy the next updates! 


Please continue I love your work :)


Thank you very much, and sorry for the delayed reply! It's been some crazy days, hah. We're still working on this as time goes on, so we hope you enjoy what's to come!


I just finished the demo and oh my god, I'm impressed. Not only is the art style really cute, the writing is great as well. It feels so natural to read and you can imagine everything.
And my favorite point, the choice with whom to go. You have to really think about it because you don't want to turn someone down. I really like all the characters and are looking forward to see more of them.
Especially cause there is more to it, secrets to discover, maybe even trauma to overcome together.
Really, really good work on that.
Oh yeah and what I like as well is the protagonists habit to compare situations to music. Feeling the mood though music in his head is impressive 

Ah, thank you very much! We're really glad to hear you're enjoying the game so far. We'll make sure to deliver more with time!

It's good that you pay attention to their dialogue and their reactions, the narrator might not notice some things, but everyone has their reasons to react to things one way or another. You'll discover them as the game continues~


Because this is your first build I wanted to give you some solid feedback (or share my feelings at the very least), but mostly I just wanted to share how much I enjoyed playing Cor! :) 

The opening was unique and it grabbed my attention right away. The dialogue flows easily and each character seems to have their own voice which is FANTASTIC. 

So far the game has a lighter tone and it's really easy to pick up and enjoy. There wasn't a huge infodump at the begining. Thankyou! 

The sprites are cute and expressive. I really liked that you've included the main character sprite, i always love it when VN's include the MC.  (Though initially I was a little confused as to who it was... It would require extra work but perhaps you could include a frame of them staring at their own reflection to introduce the player to the MC's sprite.)   Faust and Hector are especially cute. 

It might be a good idea to include some 3/4 turned character sprites during group conversations? When everyone is facing forward it can be a little  monotonous, but the art style here is super cute, and character expressions change frequently so it's not a huge issue. :) 

The soundtrack is definitely not your conventional generic piano VN soundtrack and it works really well! Sound often feels like an afterthought in a lot of games and it works to both set the mood and keep each scene feeling different enough from the last. 

While the dialogue is great, I would consider maybe breaking up the longer sentences into separate lines? Or at the very least do so on the mobile builds. 

Whereabout is Cor set? (Europe? Americas?)

Definitely looking forward to the next build! 


Thank you very much for taking your time to share your thoughts like this! It's really apreciated, and we're really glad you enjoyed the experience so far~

We're planning to add more sprites as the build goes, including more 3/4 turned character sprites, so we hope that'll be more covered as we continue.

The lines being too long was something we needed to know, whether people would prefer longer, but fewer "clicks", or shorter lines with more text as a result. Thanks for letting us know about it!

As for where is Cor set, all we can say so far is that it's not based on our world. This won't have big implications in Cor, but it will be explained in due time~

Again, thanks for this, and we hope you enjoy the next builds aswell!

(1 edit) (+1)

Very interesting so far, can't wait to see more and hope this project turns out successful! Also you should link your patreon on this page so that it will be visible to everyone.

Thank you very much! And you're right, we fixed that just now. Thanks for letting us know!


really good VN art is cool with good emotion and the story is great. please continue in what are you doing.

Thank you very much!! We will make sure to have more as soon as we can~ Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

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