Devlog 0.7.1 (IMPORTANT!! Fixes + Poll for route)

Whoops! Guess who forgot to upgrade the Gallery! Luckily, that's been fixed now in every version along with the android version! Yeeeey! About time

With that, everything should be completely up to date with Cor to Day 7! That being said, here's a personal choice I decided to do, for my own sake.

Due to how much effort Day 7 was for me, and because I don't want to spend another year working on a single update like this, I've decided the last three Days will be done at the same time, in one single update. However, I'm going to do one character at a time, since the story will be different from this point on depending on who you spent the most time with.

This is to avoid overworking myself again, since it'll be less variables for me to work at once, and it'll feel more consistent. I know it's not the best solution, since people will have their priorities, but I feel like I need to give this a shot, and see if I work faster and more comfortably like this. It COULD change if I see it's not working, but the idea is this for now.

I'm going to make a poll on the Cor twitter to choose who the first route I work on is. The polls will depend on the popularity of the characters so far, and it'll be divided in two groups. So, for example:

  1. The first group will have Gus, Mike and Faust in it, and people will vote who I should work on first.
  2. The second group will have Edward and Hector. Once I finish with the first full route, I'll work on one of these two.
  3. I'll make a third poll after the second group with whoever was left from the first group.
  4. And then I'll work on the route from the ones left from the second and first group in that order.

I'll probably keep the polls up for a couple of days, since I feel it'd be a big decision and I want people to have a choice for sure ^^ If you can't vote on Twitter, you can comment HERE which route you want me to work on first.  For instance, the first poll will last until Monday 17th of July.

And, with this, that's all for now. I hope you all have a nice day, and I'll see you when the results of the poll are done!

Get Cor


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Faust i love my rainbow croc uwu

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Anyone like the rat? I do!

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Will bet it all on Faust

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Faust is probably my fav, with his goggles, color power and sweet personality. And I'd be lying if I said his size has nothing to do with it. Every single character is nice in their own way, though, which is rare. All the more reasons to appreciate this vn!

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I don't use twitter, so here's my vote for Mike. =)


I dont use twitter but i'm happy to put it here. I know your not doing the 2nd and 3rd right now but i'm just going to put all my votes on this post before i forget since i can be rather scattered from meds i'm on.

1. Gus

2. Ed

3. Mike